Thursday, 3 May 2012

Mal Pope Spills the Beans on his musical Cappuccino Girls

A new musical has appeared in Swansea its name Cappuccino Girls.  It even appears in its own theatre, The Evening Post Theatre on Swansea's High Street is where the show staged Wednesday to Sunday. 
 The musical is based around three ladies which meet in the same coffee shop every day but who all have very different personalities. Even Welsh superstar Catherine Zeta- Jones is planning on seeing this unique musical. 
Written by Swansea songwriter Mal Pope, who I was lucky enough to pose a few questions to. Here are the questions I asked and his responses. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Get Your Name In Lights - How To Market Your Blog!

There are hundreds maybe thousands of blogs floating around in web space unread and unappreciated, especially about musicals. But here are a few ways in which you can get your blog out there and known to the world.     

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Big Apple Back In The Headlines.

OK, So I know what you're thinking a blog focusing on musicals reviewing the new iPad 3 bit crazy. But look what I've found to place on your iPad -

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Original Phantom - History of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Musicals

Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Theatre Fix Blog  
This post will look into the genius which is Andrew Lloyd Webber and the musicals he has contributed to ultimately defines musical theatre.
  I won't be able to list all of his works but if your interested, I found this site very informative and interesting about the man himself, Andrew Lloyd Webber.
  If your a fan of Webber's work, you may also subconsciously be a bigger fan if his main lyrical collaborator Tim Rice , who I hope to draw on another time.

'So let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start' (Unfortunately The Sound Of Music isn't one of Webber's but I couldn't resist.)

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Decisions Decisions...How to Pick Your Favourite Musical

Someone will ask you one day, 'So what's your favourite musical?' If your like me, you will not know how to answer. In this post I will list 4 ways which may help to make up your mind. 

Friday, 24 February 2012

Make em' Laugh - Other Blogs

So when I first thought about creating this blog, I had to check out the other competition. This is what I found.

I Want To Live On Avenue Q.

Last night, I travelled the hour long journey to Cardiff to see Avenue Q in The New Theatre. 

I must admit when I heard it involved puppets with the puppeteers clearly on show, I thought it may be juvenile and a little bit silly. But I quickly ate my words after the first act. When there are songs such as 'Everyone's a little bit racist' and 'You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love)'. It's clear that this musical is definitely for adults especially when the puppets are seen to have sex. 

The story revolves around Avenue Q, a fictional street and it's residents. When Princeton arrives after getting a BA in English, he isn't sure what his purpose is or what he will do with his life. The other characters he meets include Kate Monster, Rod - a frustrated in the closet gay guy. Although all the main characters are puppets, I really got sucked in to the story and even had slight moments when I got a small tear. 

The actors/puppeteers do double up as a few characters which at first was slightly confusing but its clear to see its an skill to be able to act,sing and control the puppet. Katherine Moraz, who played Kate and Lucy the Slut was clearly talented with a great pair of lungs on her. 

When I returned I went to the pub where I work, where all the male contractors quizzed me on where I'd been. Immediately, I heard fits of laughter after saying I'd been to see a musical involving puppets it was only when I said some of the song titles and the fact I would go again they started to actually listen and looked at my programme. I have just invested in the soundtrack so will now be walking to university singing, 'It Sucks To Be Me' and 'The Internet is for Porn.' 

Its a shame that Avenue Q was only in the New Theatre from the 21st - 25th Feb, else I would say go see it today! But I will end in saying if you get chance DEFINITELY dont poo-poo it because it involves puppets give it a chance. And if you know me buy me a ticket!

Check out there website -